The dog is the image of nature and at the same time the treasure thereof, a refuge for our weariness, a mirror of vigilance, the jewel of wisdom and memory, the symbol and slogan of perfect behaviour, a famous animal both in times of war and in times of peace, highly appreciated by gods, emperors and people all over the world.
The dog is a clever animal. You definitely want this feature to become more poignant when we are talking about you dog. The Kris Dog Training School proposes a training program customized for your dog.
Why us? Because we have the required experience, dedication and patience. Because we are professionals and we have a complete training team available. Because the dog is our utmost concern!
If you visit this site , it also means you appreciate and love dogs, just like us.
Now we thank you that you have chosen to visit our site and we hope you will be pleased with all the Kris Dog Training School offers you.